
2022/4 国連人権理事会(第49会期)に提出したNGO発言と意見書の紹介

2022年2月28日から4月1日にジュネーブで行われた第49会期 国連人権理事会において、国際歴史論戦研究所は国連特別協議資格NGOの資格と持つ「新しい歴史教科書をつくる会」、「国際キャリア支援協会」と協力して二つNGO発言と四つの意見書提出しました。


<NGO 発言>
① 2022年3月29日 議題9 一般討論
UN WEB TV  https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1h/k1hrvopzx3?kalturaStartTime=921
発言者 矢野義昭

” Russian Federation and Ukraine ~ Protection of Noncombatants ”
We are deeply concerned about the present situation in which the Russian Federation and Ukraine—that have historically belonged to one nation —are exchanging fire.
No one can deny the fact, from the view of the international law, it is Russia that has been invading Ukraine.
Day after day, offensive and/or defensive powers have been injuring and killing innocent civilians and forcing a big population to leave their home for safety.
What we have been witnessing there is nothing but inexcusable, unmistakable infringements of human rights, including the right to life.
We strongly request Russia to abide by international rules.
And we also request both Russia and Ukraine to heed to protection of noncombatants to the utmost extent possible.

② 22 Mar 2022年3月22日 議題4 一般討論
UN WEB TV https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1g/k1ggzvygkx?kalturaStartTime=3770
発言者 山本優美子

” Does animosity promote peace? ”
In the USA, a little girl says, “Mom, why do my classmates hate me?” Japanese students are bullied at school.
In Germany, a student is insulted because his grandparents are Japanese.
In the Republic of Korea, a boy says to his Japanese mother, “Don’t come to my school. "
What is going on in the world?
Korean groups have been building “peace statues” both at home and abroad.
There are already more than140 of them and some are in the USA, Canada, Germany, and in Australia.
What does the statue stand for?
It is meant to symbolize hundreds of thousands of Korean women who were sexually enslaved as comfort women by the Japanese military during wartime.
Were they sexual slaves?
No, they were not. In fact, they were paid prostitutes who signed contracts with brothel owners.
Why do they keep building the statues?
Because they cannot accept what wrongs their ancestors had done for their daughters.
It is a state sponsored hate campaign.
Now, another one is going to be built in Philadelphia.
We sincerely ask this Council member states not to build one in your city.
We hope everyone in future generations to live NOT with animosity BUT with pride and wisdom.

< NGO意見書  >



① 日本語版 中国による不当な人民拘束を許すな

原文英語版  Reject Unjustified Chinese Detention

② 日本語版
中国における「 世界人権宣言 」 第 2 条 1 項 、 同宣言第 9 条 及び「市民的 及び政治的権利に関する人権規約 B 規約 」 違反

原文英語版  Violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Articles 2 and 9, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, by China

③ 日本語版 ユネスコによる不当な決議の撤回を要求する

原文英語版 We request overturning the unjust decision adopted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

④ 日本語版 ウイグル人留学生の人権の保障を

原文英語版 Secure Human Rights of Uighur Students Studying in Japan